We were designed to need each other and do life together! In an RP Church group, you can connect with others and grow one step closer to Jesus – together. We believe that true life change happens in the context of relationships. In a group, we can encourage, sharpen, and strengthen one another.
We are really better together! Got questions? Email the church office at church@regencypark.org.
These groups meet at 9:00 AM on Sunday mornings before the Sunday morning service. Expand the list to see more details about each group.
There are various age groups for children’s Bible teaching and childcare on Sunday mornings. See the Kids Ministry page for the full kids’ schedule.
The Jr. High group at Regency is a place to experience great fun, exciting interactions, and friendly students. Each week our students bring donuts and a drink while discussing life and faith. During this time, students get a chance to learn from God’s Word and each other. If you’re a Jr. High student, come and check it out. We’d love to have you!
We’re stoked to see students come to know Jesus and become more like him. The Sr. High group is a place where you can experience community with others like you and learn about God’s plans for you by taking a deeper look into His Word. Every Sunday morning, this group of high school students is led in a broad range of discussion topics—ranging from looking at the life of Christ to studying a particular book of the Bible. Often, the group uses video series, all of which revolve around what it means to follow Jesus and become more like Him.
Designed for college-age and young adults, the Gen Z group uses a discussion-heavy format for its group meetings.
Are you an adult with young kids? If so, the Journey group might be perfect for you! This past year we followed“ The Bible Recap”, which is a plan to read the Bible in a year. We love to have open discussion about what God has been showing us and what’s happening in our personal lives. We also tackle difficult questions and passages as they come up. We are learning from one another and helping each other grow as we study God’s Word. If you are interested in journeying through the Bible with us and laughing about life, join this dynamic group!
The Melting Pot is a beautiful mix of cultures, ages (around 35-60 year olds), and stages of life. Whether you’re married, single, widowed, with, or without children, you’re welcome here! Each week, our discussions center on a passage of Scripture, coming to new light through our blended backgrounds and experiences. Once a quarter, the group also hosts a fun gathering for friends and family, a time of fellowship and a chance to get to know more about the lives in this particular Melting Pot.
The class is scripture-centric and discussion focused. Real life applications also undertow our substantive discussions. We have a smaller group setting and participants describe the morning experience as “unique” with a“ sense of closeness and personal connection.” It is a time for challenging discussion for growth. It is well worth the investment of 50 minutes of your life. In our group, you have a voice and will experience moments that matter.
The People’s Choice group is a larger group of friends who meet and study God’s word together. The group got its name from the fact that the class chooses what to study. Often they use the regular curriculum from our church publications, but you will also find other courses such as in-depth studies on prayer and other vital matters of faith. Our instructors bring fresh ideas and information, and with this mature group, there is a great source of discussion and shared life experiences. If you love fellowship as well as delicious food from some really good cooks, then this is the class for you!
Want to learn more about a specific group? Use the form below to let us know.
You don’t need to have a theology degree or have the Bible memorized or a large crowd to be a small group leader.
You just need two friends.
Offer a welcoming environment to have real conversation and grow closer to Jesus – together. We’ve got incredible, easy-to-use resources to help you and your group grow. You are never alone as you connect and care for our RP Family.
Email Pastor Keith if you’re interested - keith@regencypark.org.